Some other suggestions and ideas are explored on the Teaching Pyramid Riverina blogsite article linked here: and highlight some relevant questions to consider:
How regularly do you communicate with families?
How do you extend these opportunities to ensure the communication is two-way and open?
How do you celebrate with and about families?
Do you manage to connect personally with each family at some time during the year?
How encouraging are you of family involvement?
Do you share the information you gain regarding the value of social and emotional development alongside all other areas of learning?
How do you know that all families have access to and understand where to find resources that may support and answer any queries they may have?
The article lists a number of relevant resources including:
The Backpack Connection series - a fantastic resource to assist families in recognising the importance of social emotional development, and ways to help in a consistent approach, specific challenges that they may face.
Other family resources (including the Backpack series in Chinese and Spanish) can be found at the link from the California Inclusion through Teaching Pyramid weblink:
Other supports in Australian contexts include: