The focus on how to support and develop team relationships is often called upon during this module in the training. Some beautiful offerings are shared, and many find some suggestions within the moments allocated to walk away with and lift their colleague relations.
So, what are some of these suggestions - tried and tested? Here are a few that people have mentioned:
- seeking input from all towards staff meetings agenda (anonymous or otherwise)
- reflection time with all room staff, removing hierarchy
- little thank you notes left for staff to find
- appreciation moments, sharing what was valued
- "What is important to me...." forms for each member to complete including interests, strengths, how best to support 'me', and a little affirmation from each member of the team.
- respecting and valuing specific skills (whether work related or not!).
- active listening to one another
- recognising that we are all different and have something unique to share.
- a 'work place buddy' for new staff members, to ensure they are not left out
- team gatherings in social contexts
This beautiful article Developing inclusive relationships among early childhood staff by Meredith Chan, Angela Chng, Doranna Wong & Manjula Waniganayake, Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, gives us food for thought regarding responses to some of the more well-meant team bonding ideas or practices, particularly if team members are from a variety of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, but thought provoking on all levels.